We have already said here that social networks are not free for your company. Well, they are not (read the full article by clicking here). Once you know this, it is even more important to note that when you want to convert and generate profit through platforms, you will have to give something in return: content or booster budget. However, digital ads have gained space and won companies, customers and consumers, as there are countless possibilities and, believe me, the investment can be much smaller than in traditional media, with a much greater return.
That said, the goal here is to talk about the importance of using YouTube as part of your digital marketing strategy. For starters, in the North American market alone, around 5.5 billion dollars are invested annually in advertising on the platform. With this data alone, we already have a great reason to convince your company to include the media in the strategy. But we will give you many others…
01 - Never forget the content and quality
Before you start producing videos for ads, you need to be willing to invest in quality content and professionals, otherwise, it can backfire and your brand will be frowned upon. YouTube converts, but it demands dedication, work from people who understand the subject, planning, valuable content, capture, editing, script and a great strategy.
02 - Plurality of audience
YouTube, according to data from the platform itself, is not a social network intended only for those who have extensive knowledge of the internet, work with it, or are considered heavy users (people who are on different networks and spend a lot of time online throughout the day). To give you an idea, it receives, monthly, more than two billion users with varied interests, who watch about a billion hours of video a day. Yes, per DAY. In Brazil, 80% of those who browse the Internet daily use the video aggregator daily.
According to some researches, all audiences are found on YouTube. It is still successful among young people, unlike Facebook, for example, it is considered a substitute for traditional TV and has content from the most varied niches and segments: you can watch a class on microbiology (check it out here), or learn how to make a wonderful chocolate cake by Paola Carosella (click here).

03 - There is room for your content and that of your company, as long as it is interesting and well done
To give you an idea, channels with more than one million subscribers show, on average, a growth rate of 65% per year, that is, even those that already have a large share of audience continue to expand their audience. As a complement, Cisco did a survey and concluded that, by the end of this year, 82% of all online traffic will be video content. Ah, 70% of all YouTube “plays” are on mobile devices, which means the audience is everywhere.
04 - Audience
Many people access the platform daily. A lot of pepole indeed. According to Google data, YouTube is the second most accessed website in the world, second only to Google itself and, in addition, it is also the second largest search engine on the Internet. This means that it has become a means of entertainment, fun, information seeking, learning, education and many other things.
05 - YouTube: the TV of the future
In 2019, the network saw its number of accesses through smart TVs grow by 39%, which means that it really reaches a diverse audience of different ages. We do not even need to mention that, with the pandemic, Brazil alone increased this number of accesses by 120% last year, totaling about 40 million people who access YouTube only in Brazilian territory.
For all these reasons, it is VERY worth investing in a strategy so that your product or service is strongly present on the platform. Would you lioke some help from expert professionals? Contact us:
contato@agenciamaverick.com.br ⠀
+55 41 99980 9009⠀
+55 41 99954 7416