The fact is that the coronavirus pandemic has not only generated a global crisis with regard to public health. With it, entire sectors of the economy saw their cash flows go down the drain, thousands of people became unemployed and, with all this, the consequences were not only financial, but also a change in the way of thinking, in work relationships and in an entire culture established in society a long time ago.
Companies of all types were forced to reinvent themselves and migrate to digital overnight in order to keep existing. It turns out that, after all this is over, many acquired habits will persist, because many people, conglomerates and groups in society, have realized that there is indeed a different way of working and relationships, which can be much better for everyone involved, including society and the environment in which we operate.
Think with Google Brasil gathered, in a survey, data and trends to indicate possible future trajectories in six areas: consumption, online education, work, entertainment, logistics, internet security and family (to access the complete study, click here). Let's focus here on labor relations, which was certainly one of the most impacted areas.
We recently published an article about how the pandemic has changed consumption habits. Read it in full by clicking here
To contextualize, according to the Brazilian Institute of Geography Statistics (IBGE), in the survey of the Continuous National Household Sample Survey (Pnad Contínua), 7.8 million Brazilians were unemployed between March and May. Which brings us to the sad statistic that, for the first time in history, more than half of the working-age population was unemployed.
It turns out that, even before the quarantine, informality was already taking proportions in the country: in February this year, the informality rate reached 40.6% of workers, which is equivalent to about 38 million people. Additionally, Brazil saw, in its first half of 2020, more than 1.1 million formal employment positions closed.
In addition to the digital connection, care and concern for society, the discussion of flexibilization of labor laws and greater protection for informal workers will have to be addressed and discussed at the end of the health pandemic.
Home office
With Covid-19, the solution found by companies around the world was the home office. Although the measure adopted allows workers to take care of their own health and family, it has also raised other challenges for companies: productivity, meetings, teamwork, handouts, deadlines, organization, etc.
However, the numbers from surveys carried out by Google and the College for Economics, Administration and Accounting (FEA-USP) are revealing: seven out of 10 respondents to the study want to continue working from home after the pandemic is over. Also, Google's research shows that one in five people believe that the habit of studying and working from home will be incorporated into their routine. Proof of this is that the search for the term “home office” on YouTube, for example, increased 173% this year alone.
See digital marketing lessons and tips for your company in times of a pandemic here.
That said, society seems to be sensing the future: the world is digital. And on top of that, we need a more sustainable working model and it seems that it has emerged as a solution at a difficult time. It is still too early to predict any definitive changes, but what we can say is that they will definitely come.
Here we have lived this since our establishment: 100% digital for seven years and we can guarantee that it is a system that works and very beneficial for most business models. We take impactful solutions from anywhere in the world to every point on the planet.