Five reasons to advertise on social media

Digital Marketing
August 1, 2022

It is widely known to us that social networks are important for your brand! But is your business showing up or just existing? You must use social media wisely, making them generate new customers, qualified leads and even sales for your business.

Using social media ads gives you all this and more! In addition to being a great investment for the growth of your brand, ads have a very low value. But if you are still wondering what are the reasons to advertise on social media, here are five reasons to make your business take off.

1 - Organic reach is dead!

Social networks deliver your publications to only 2% of their organic audience and this percentage is decreasing.

According to Facebook itself: “Nowadays, more and more content is being generated on Facebook and that means it can get harder to get your content out to the people that are most relevant to you.”

Although you have a daily frequency of posts, networks will always prioritize users and ads, leaving your post behind.

And what is the solution? Invest in ads within social networks so that consumers discover or see the news of your business.

2 - People spend a lot of time online

According to a survey carried out for Exame magazine, carried out by the American consultancy ComScore in 2019, users of social networks in Brazil spend an average of two hours a day using them.  The study also highlighted that the main "social networks – such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram – are the main destination for Brazilians when they are browsing the internet.”

During all this time, the user has contacts with different brands and contents. A great opportunity to stand out with ads and gain space by producing content that is relevant to your potential target audience.

Would you like to know how to create successful content on social media? Click here.

3 - Low investment

As we have already commented above, the investment in ads is low, when compared to the values needed for advertising in traditional media! But that does not mean you should always invest as little as possible just to be present. It all depends on the audience you want to reach and turn into future customers.

The higher the value, the higher the estimated trustworthy results for your campaign. The advisable is around BRL 150.00 per week, at least, for the beginning and aiming to have a good reach for your brand, but all this varies according to the objective of your campaign.

4 - Make the audience come to you!

With ads you have the ability to choose not to wait!

How? Segmenting your audience according to interests, age, gender, location and even similar people, always linking with each ad with the right objective. You can reach countless people and attract a new audience every day.

All this without leaving your fans, who already follow your company, out. They can be reached by the same ads and be part of the targeted audience.

5 - Test and try, always!

If you already have a loyal and defined audience in your company, there will always be an audience similar to yours, with the same interests. Seeking these secondary audiences is essential for your brand to grow in digital media!

But always try to get out of the bubble. Test by sponsoring different posts and selecting another profile of possible customers and investing more or less money. Always test new possibilities!

- Extra hint!

Be careful when advertising, try to target correctly! There is nothing worse than being on the weekend, seeing an ad for a hamburger shop, looking for all the information to place your order and then their response is that they do not deliver to your neighborhood. Frustrating, isn't it!?

This is a case of a sponsored ad that was segmented wrongly, and it can be corrected by making the ad run only in the neighborhoods you deliver!

So always count on subject matter experts, who work daily with various Ads for companies.

Count on MAVERICK 360! We take impactful solutions from anywhere in the world to every point on the planet.


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